By Cathy-Lee Bell
I was lucky enough to attend the networking events (opening and closing drinks and the dinner) and the Tuesday sessions of the ALLA Agitations 2013 conference. The sessions I attended on the Tuesday were amazing, however the highlight of the conference for me was the networking events.
Drinks and canapés aside, it was an amazing opportunity for me, (being relatively new to the law sector), to talk to other law librarians and take in some of the energy and ambition shown by those already rooted in the industry.
I took the opportunity to mingle with librarians from law firms, and talk to law librarians from universities, and government departments. These conversations showed me the versatility of the skills and knowledge I have gained over the past year, and renewed my enthusiasm for learning, and for applying this knowledge.
I met a lot of great librarians that I hope to remain in contact with. I would recommend that everyone when attending a conference, workshop or training, to make an effort to talk to people and build a network of peers, it can be a lot of fun and very rewarding.
Posted: 7 October 2013