On 12 February 2014, Stephen Mason General Manager, Co-info Head of Business Development Co-op presented at our first CPD Seminar for 2014 on eBooks: Challenges to bookstores and libraries.
In a wide ranging seminar Stephen discussed the challenges Bookstores and Libraries face in developing a response to eBooks and Publishers.
My main takeaway from the seminar was the major Law Publishers are just as in the dark as the rest of us. For obvious reasons Licensing and DRM loom large in any decision the Law Publishers make. The fear of losing control over the content has left us with a multitude of platforms to deal with (Red and Proview for example). The different platforms confuse our clients and make implementation a challenge.
To their credit the Co-op is not waiting for the Publishers to agree on a model. The Co-op is negotiating with a number of publishers to develop an ePurchasing model. Version one is directed at students and version two is directed at corporates and libraries. Contact the Co-op if you would like to be part of this trial.
It was an interesting seminar and a lively question and answer session followed the presentation.
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Published: 27 February 2014
Published: 27 February 2014