19 June 2016

Encouraging engagement with Emily Allbon

On 3 September 2014, Emily Allbon will be delivering a lunchtime seminar on providing engaging training.
Emily is Law Librarian at the City University London and creator of Lawbore. She was also named one of 55 National Training Fellows by the Higher Education Academy (UK).
Emily will be looking at the UK situation in regards to what students/trainees lack in skills, the BIALL info lit standards, legal skills teaching in law schools and lack of engagement, the Legal Education and Training Review in UK/bleak prospects for those studying law. She will also focus on techniques that she has used to get students interested in what she is teaching them – both online and face-to-face.
An audio recording of this session will be made available to ALLA members.
If you are not a financial member of ALLA you are still welcome to come to the CPD session, the cost is $10 to be paid on the day.
3 September 2014
Where: Level 5, 184 Phillip St, Queens Square. Sydney NSW 
RSVP on EventBrite 

Published: 27 August 2014