On the 18th of June NSW ALLA and LexisNexis held a lively demonstration of LexisAdvance. We had Carolyn Norman Client Upgrade Delivery Manager and Jo Wade Senior Product Lead presenting and demonstrating the new database LexisAdvance. Obviously early days and from this distance difficult to tell, but my first thoughts are it seems to be a major step up from LNAU and for those lucky souls who remember Butterworths Online.
Which means you probably need to pay attention to the LNAU marketing department this far out; it is a major development for us and our users.
Thanks to Jo Wade we were able to look under the hood of LexisAdvance and discuss some of the new design features and thought processes that went behind the design changes. Again my first impression is that the new design seems cleaner and makes very good use of graphics. This should make retrieval and reading easier and more “pleasurable”.
LexisAdvance is a significant development for LexisNexis users, the cleaner design and the way Casebase interacts with the database is major step up for legal research in Australia for Law Librarians and Lawyers – some people might even say innovative.
Thanks to both Carolyn and Jo for presenting and being so collaborative and sharing with information about the new product. I know everyone at the meeting was intrigued and excited about the changes.
Phil Mullen
A Storify of all the twitter activity is available at https://storify.com/ALLA_NSW/lexis-advance [View the story “Lexis Advance” on Storify]