On 19 November 2013, Fiona Brown delivered a presentation to the NSW Australian Law Library Association on the findings of her thesis Outsourcing the law firm library: the UK experience. Fiona’s thesis considered the growing trend within the United Kingdom for law library services to be provided by outsourcing companies.
Fiona’s research sought to understand the growing trend within the UK legal industry towards outsourcing library and research services, a common practice within the United States. Following on from her presentation at the national ALLA 2013 conference, Fiona the results of her interviews within the UK legal industry surrounding:
- the reasons given within the legal industry for legal research outsourcing
- the claims made for and against outsourcing by industry participants including in-house librarians, outsourced librarians and lawyers using both in-house and outsourced research services.
To read more about Fiona’s findings, her thesis is available on the Monash University website.
Posted: 25 November 2013