The $800 scholarships to C.A.S.E 2014 have slipped through the cracks.
The jackpot has now increased to a $1600 to send one person to Adelaide!!!!
We want to send an ALLA NSW member to the ALLA 2014 national conference in Adelaide (details here).
What do you need to do?
Complete the attached scholarship application and email it toaustlawlib.nsw@gmail.com by COB 29 August 2014.
What’s the catch? All the scholarship winner needs to do is:
- write a summary/report that may be published in the Australian Law Librarian and on the NSW ALLA Blog,
or - present a CPD session for NSW ALLA at a date to be determined by the CPD Coordinator.
Questions? Please email austlawlib.nsw@gmail.com
Published: 26 August 2014