Never get in the way of a bunch of librarians and the future of any library. NSW ALLA had a full house at our latest CPD on the future of the Law Courts library.
Blackmore from the Law Courts introduced the discussion by looking the history of the Law Courts. Reminiscing on how the library has grown and continues to expand. Vanessa explained at some stage the Law Courts will have to address the online world very closely and how this impacts on the Law Courts clientèle will make for an interesting discussion.

We then broke into smaller groups and discussed a number of questions posed by Vanessa. The questions follow:
- Are court libraries still relevant to the legal community?
- What are your expectations of court libraries now & in the future?
- What services do you expect?
- What should we collect, & in what formats?
- What do we do well?
- What could we do better?
- Do you use our libraries, and if so how? In person, phone, email?
- How does this contribute to your work?
- What would you do if we were not available?
It was an interesting discussion and it is a shame we could not have extended the meeting so that we could discuss the Victorian Law Courts library model or what is in the wind for many of the Government Libraries in Canberra.
By Philip Mullen, ALLA NSW CPD Co-ordinator
Published: 4 August 2014