17 June 2016

ALLA Conference 2013: Knowledge Cafe

This year as part of the 2013  ALLA conference theme: Agitations, the committee is trying some new ideas out at the conference. One of these is the introduction of  a Knowledge Cafe as part of the program.
Please read the information below and if you would like to take part please forward an Expression of Interest to karen.rowe-nurse@nd.edu.au by 23 August. Places will be strictly limited to 30  across the law library sectors to allow for small group work and discussion.
Knowledge Café: Legal Research in your organisationWith a limit of 30 active participants, you will be asked to contribute and share information about training and legal research from the perspective of your industry or sector: Academic, Law Firm, Law Courts and Public Interest Libraries (LIAC, Legal Aid etc). With a view to developing a special interest group within ALLA to share information and to experience and share training programs with each other.
Participants will need to complete a survey and register to attend this session.
  1. Small group work based on industry or sector: prepare a presentation to the rest of the group on the role of legal research in your industry. (30mins)
  2. Small group work based on interest groups that will be determined by the survey (eg. eLearning, Assessment, Value of legal research, role of librarians, program development, interactive delivery frameworks) for focused discussion on these topics. (30mins)
  3. Whole of room discussion: Commonalities and differences, where to from here? (30mins)
To see everything that’s going on at ALLA 2013 take a look at the conference website agitiations.org.au
Posted: 9 August 2013